Waiting for Clear Skin


In a tiny apartment above a Bodega just outside Montreal, I lay on a leather bed while a woman I had met a mere five minutes before pressed down on a spot just below my rib with her thumb. I sucked in a sharp breath, surprised by the pain it invoked. She nodded understandingly. 

“Alright there it is. Just as I suspected. It’s your liver.” 

“My liver?” 

“Your liver.” 

It had been many things. The dermatologist on the Upper-West-Side I went to as a freshman said it was my dry skin and prescribed me medication that would take “only” six months to clear up my acne. The dermatologist I went to on the Upper East Side seven months later informed me that my Upper West Side dermatologist was an absolute idiot and that the medication I had been taking was, in fact, making my awful skin even more awful. Oh joy! Upper-East-Side dermatologist had new and fancy equipment that boasted an algorithmic ability to solve any and all skin issues. I soon learned that this was just code for “I can tell you how terrible your face looks with science and graphs! And guess what, it’s even more terrible than you had originally anticipated!” After being insulted by a computer program for about forty five minutes, I was eventually prescribed three new medications that would take “just” three months to start working. 

I walked into the CVS on 70th street with a skip in my step. Though my face was significantly redder than it was a few months ago, I was convinced that my problems would soon be solved. This is it. This will work. Second time’s the charm.  Images of smooth-skinned models standing in direct sunlight without a spot in sight played like a celebratory montage in my head as the cashier rang me up. Though I was two-hundred and fifty dollars poorer (shout-out to my unsupportive insurance company), I was hopeful. 

In hindsight, perhaps naive is a better word. After nine painful weeks of trying to make it work, I concluded that myself and the Soolantra, epiduo forte, and antibiotics were simply not compatible. I had developed an allergic reaction to the medications, trust issues towards dermatologists, and commitment issues towards acne medicine. Jaded and raw-skinned, I figured it would be best for all of us to part amicably now to save ourselves an inevitable future of heartache and rosacea. 

But I wasn’t done. The days of blindly accepting any and all pills given to me by the fancy people in lab coats were over. I was going to clear my skin up, and I was going to do it myself. Enter Canadian Chinese medicine doctor! Rather than prescribing pills, I was given disgusting herbal teas that tasted like chicken stock and instructed to cut out dairy, sugar, caffeine, chocolate, and fried-foods from my diet. (i.e my entire diet.) As I lay on her makeshift recliner, poked and prodded by needles and fingers and many, many accusatory questions about my troubling lifestyle (“What do you mean you eat snickerdoodles for breakfast? What do you mean you sleep five hours a night? How can you live like this?!”) I briefly recognized how absolutely ridiculous this undertaking was. Cumin will not cure your acne, Simone. Nevertheless, I banished the little voice to the back corner of my mind for a time out and bought some $14 vegan cashew cheese on the drive home. 

So did it work? As I write this paper, it’s been a year and a half of depriving myself of mac and cheese and chocolate lava cake and I’m still waiting to wake up one morning with perfect skin. I find myself getting irrationally angry every time someone gives me their two cents about some life changing face wash because it’s just not that simple. At this point, I’m so blinded by my desperation that I’ve thoroughly convinced myself that the tiny bite of creamy butternut squash soup I ate a month ago is the sole reason for my skin problems. Today, I still brew my disgusting tea, I still search for sugar alternatives to quell my sweet tooth, I still have to summon nun-like levels of self control every time I see an ice cream truck. And frankly, my skin is not much better now than when I started this endeavor. Though I’m well aware my chinese medicine solution sounds (and most likely is) absolutely insane, I don’t think I can stop now. I would rather be trying, waiting for clear skin than accepting defeat and giving up on my dream of throwing out my concealer. 

The Tour Bible: The Best Workout Classes in NYC


With so many classes to choose from, how do you find the most effective and fun workout classes in New York? Look no further. Here is the ultamite list of the best classes New York City has to offer.

Old but Gold: Soulcycle

For the Best Workout to do With Your Friends: 305 Fitness

If You Want to Release Some Frustration (and feel like a badass): Rumble

If You Want to Feel the Burn…For DAYS: Barry’s Bootcamp

If You Want to Get Your Zen On to Trap Music: Y7

If You Love Running and the Vibe of Soulcycle: Mile High Run Club

For a Gothic Spin on the Cycling Craze: Monster Cycle

If You Want to Work Out Like a Celebrity: The Dog Pound

If You Want to Jump on the Rowing Craze: The Row House

The Ultamite​ Guide to Aloe Vera


I know I’m not alone in saying that I have most definitely spent a good amount of cash on products that contain aloe vera, whether it be for my skin, hair, or lips. I’m not sure why, but it never crossed my mind to actually BUY a real aloe vera leaf. Needless to say, when I saw aloe leaves for sale in China Town for $2, I was pretty excited. Although my friends made fun of me for carrying around a 2-foot aloe sword all day, I think the benefits were more than worth it.

For Skin:

Cut open your aloe plant and rub it into your skin for 10 minutes for reduced redness and inflammation! I have super sensitive skin, and I didn’t react to this AT ALL. after a few days, I noticed my skin was less red, more hydrated, and brighter! All hail the aloe vera plant.

For Lips:

These winter months are hard; my biggest pet peeve is dry lips but using aloe vera might be the answer to my prayers. You can apply the aloe straight to your lips or mix it in with a lip balm (I mixed mine with a bit of vaseline and it worked WONDERS).

For Hair:

Since I have hairstylist-trust-issues, I haven’t cut my hair in about a year and a half. Needless to say, I’ve got some pretty bad dead ends. I figured the aloe sword hadn’t failed me in the skin and lip department, so why not try using it on my hair? I combined aloe juice and egg whites and applied the mixture to my ends for 20 minutes. After rinsing (this took a while, I’m not gonna lie) my hair felt shinier, healthier, and softer. Basically, the point I’m making is that you don’t need to spend $70 on an aloe mask when you can go to any Asian grocer (or whole foods) and pick up some aloe for a fraction of the price #ballinonabudget.


Food, Wellness

Teatox! (but not the gross ones that you see on Instagram, this is some Chinese Medicine that will clear you system and your skin!)

If you know me you know that I’m not into all that FitTea nonsense. This tea might not taste great but it has worked wonders for my skin (and has made me a lot less bloated!) I drink it 3 times a week at least! (This tea should NOT be the only thing you’re consuming!! Eat a burger. Eat a salad. Live your best life.)

1 1/2 cups of water

1 tablespoon cumin seeds

1 tablespoon fennel seeds

1 tablespoon coriander seeds

1 teaspoon turmeric 

In a pot over low heat, simmer the water and spices until the water has reduced to about half its original volume. Strain and drink!

Working From the Inside Out: What Chinese Medicine Did For My Skin (and my mental stability)


Here it is. The Chinese Medicine article. If you know me personally, you know that I am unable to shut up about Chinese medicine. I have struggled with acne and rosacea since freshman year of high school and nothing (I mean nothing) has worked for me. I started with the run of the mill Mario Badescu drying cream, Kheils, glossier skin care, etc, etc. Nada. Then I decided to pull out the big guns and go see a dermatologist. I followed her regimen of clindamycin and some special moisturizer religiously only for my skin to get WORSE. Around finals week last summer, my skin was the worst it’s ever been: I figured maybe a different dermatologist would be able to solve my problems. No such luck. After filling my body with antibiotics and a topical cream called soolantra (which again, only made my skin worse) I raised the white flag and accepted that I would have to deal with bad skin forever (I also invested in some more full coverage foundation, the glossier skin tint was simply not cutting it anymore). 

Then on a trip to Montreal, a family friend recommended Chinese Medicine to me. I figured I had nothing left to lose so I went to see her. Marjie told me to cut out sugar, dairy, fried food, caffeine, and chocolate. She also told me to brew and drink some really gross tea (you can find the recipe here). I was so unbelievably desperate for some kind of solution so I figured what the hell. I’ll listen to this Chinese Medicine Lady and do exactly what she says. It’s month 4 of this insane diet an I am here to report back

The first month was amazing. My skin hadn’t been so clear in 2 years. I could leave the house makeup free with no qualms whatsoever. Life was good.

Right around month two, my skin started breaking out a bit again. I was annoyed but it was still better than it had been in a while. I attributed this change to eating too many RX bars (which include dates, a very “hot” ingredient). My skin fluctuated a lot that month but I kept on keeping on. Eventually, I decided to take matters into my own hands and order Cleanse Powder from the Beauty Chef which is meant to clear up your skin. It had all the ingredients my Chinese Medicine doctor told me to add to my diet (quinoa, fennel, barley, kale, etc.) so I decided to give it a go. Again, initially I was really happy with the results then my skin stated fluctuating again. 

Eventually, I realized my stress levels and my skin health are pretty closely related. Unfortunately, the only way to reduce stress-related acne is to be less stressed. As a junior in high school with my lifestyle, this is pretty impossible. Although the stress is a pretty big factor, I know that it’s not the only thing making me break out.

Chinese Medicine has not by any means solved all my skin problems, but it has made my skin better. It’s also given me a sense of control. I was so sick and tired of handing over my body to dermatologists who wanted to put chemicals on and inside my body until something happened. I’ll definitely feel better: I’m less tired, bloated, and I feel really good about nourishing my body. It’s also shown me that I can be super disciplined when I want to be. 

Meditating is Hard, Work Out Instead! (hear me out)


I have alienated so many people already with the title of this article but give me a chance! Here’s the thing, school is hard—I have class until 4, a lot of studying to do, working out, writing these lovely articles, etc, etc. For those of us who are up until 1 am every morning doing work, meditating is not so easy. Those extra 5-10 minutes could be used for, you know, basic human functions like eating or taking power naps.

In any case, meditating is hard. I know I’m not alone in saying that sitting for 10 minutes and focusing on some rando from headspace drone on about a “peaceful beach” and “the light inside us all” gets a little old after about minute two. My mind drifts off to my to do list and I find myself thinking about Vanderbilt’s minimum ACT requirnemt rather than “taking cleansing breaths” and all that other bullshit. You know what really gets rid of nagging thoughts? Sweating your ass off. Working out is more efficient because you kill two birds with one stone, it’s good for your body and mind! 

Mindfulness is really important— being int the moment is something I struggle with on a day to day basis. I’m constantly worried about what I should be doing, how I can maximize my time, etc, etc. The only time I’m truly in the moment, fully invested in the present rather than the past or future is when my body is working so hard that I can’t help but to focus solely on the present moment. In the words of Elle Woods “Working out gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t kill their husbands.” 

So the next time you’re thinking about doing a 45 minute long guided relaxation, go for a run or to soulcycle instead! You’ll thank me later.