Peanut ​Butter Power Balls


I’m pretty obsessed with this recipe because it actually tastes really good. I made them as a snack to eat during my SAT and my friends all made fun of me. I told them to try it and they ALL loved it (one even made them for breakfast the next morning. HA!) 

1 cup of rolled oats

1/2 cup of peanut butter 

2 teaspoons of honey

1/4 cup of chia seeds

1/4 cup of flax seeds 

If you want you can add raisins to this for some extra sweetness! 

  1. Mix together the dry ingredients, then add peanut butter and honey. These measurements do not have to be exact. If you want it sweeter, add more honey! If you think they’re too dry, add more peanut butter! 
  2. Roll the mixture into ping pong sized balls. Refrigerate overnight for best results and enjoy!